Upcoming nine-member group Child of Empire --or should we say ZE:A for short now-- has confirmed a January 7 debut and is quickly grabbing the attention of many with their photo releases.
Recently, more jacket photos from the boys' upcoming album Nativity have been revealed, check them out here:
I can't help but be reminded of SS501's REBIRTH album cover by ZE:A's smoky concept in these photos, which I'm sure many girls already love. With the dark, sexy & powerful style exhibited in these photos, some are speculating that the boys' debut track will take a similar route as well.
After Star Empire announced Child of Empire's new title "ZE:A," many were curious about what this new name stood for. It turns out that ZE:A originates from 제국의 아이들, or Jaeguk eh Ah-e-deul / J e A, which is shorthand for "Children of Empire" (the original name) in Korean. These rookies will technically be debuting under ZE:A instead of "Child of Empire," but the full name 제국의 아이들 (now officially changed to the grammatically-correct "Children of Empire") will still be kept.
I'm not sure why, but I kind of liked the Engrish of "Child of Empire"; maybe it's because we've gotten accustomed to it over the past few months, but it seems less awkward than "Children of Empire"... but that's just me.
Child of Empire is set to release their first track teaser on January 5 and the full song on January 7. Stay tuned for more on ZE:A/CoE only at allkpop.
Many thanks to SE7ENs_yuhja @ Empire Children Forums for the photos!
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