SS501 with Jam Hsiao in Taiwan / SS501 dengan Jam Hsiao di Taiwan ( Latihan Koreografi )

They were teaching Jam Hsiao the dance for 'A Song Calling For You'
The video on this will be aired on 8 July, 6pm on 100%Entertainment in Taiwan

credit: KKBOX + snugglebunny 

Indonesian Translate :

Mereka sedang diajar koreografi oleh Jam Hsiao untuk syuting video klip " A Song Calling For You "
Video tersebut akan mengudara pada 8 Juli , 6 p.m pada 100% entertaiment di Taiwan


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SS501 Targets China / SS501 target China

SS501 has officially joined the Hallyu wave by signing a contract withWarner Music Taiwan. From June 27th until July 2nd, SS501 will be holding multiple press conferences, fan signings and other promotional activities in China. Although SS501 has never promoted themselves in China, they seem to have a strong fan base there, already. Not only did over 2,000 fans flock to the airport to catch a glimpse of the boys, they were also given the Golden Disk Award for pre-selling over 7,000 copies of their SS501 Super Hits album, on the 29th.

SS501 will also be releasing their first solo album, which consists of solo tracks of all members, this coming July 3rd. Once they finish their promotions in China on the 2nd, they will return to Korea and prepare for their first Asia tour performance in Seoul on August 1st and 2nd.

credits: popseoul

 Indonesian translate :

SS501 secara resmi telah bergabung dengan gelombang Hallyu dengan menandatangani kontrak dengan Warner Music Taiwan. Dari tanggal 27 Juni hingga 2 Juli, SS501 akan mengadakan banyak sekali kegiatan konverensi pers, acara jumpa fans, dan kegiatan promosi lainnya di China. Meskipun SS501 tidak pernah mempromosikan diri mereka kepada rakyat China, kelihatannya mereka mempunyai fans yang sangat banyak di negeri Panda tersebut. Tidak hanya  2000 fans lebih  yang berkumpul di Bandar udara untuk bertemu langsung dengan SS501, SS501 juga mendapatkan Golden Disk Award untuk album “ SS501 Super Hits “ dengan penjualan lebih dari 7000 copy.

SS501 juga akan merilis album solo pertama mereka , yang terdiri dari penampilan solo dari para anggota dari SS501,  3 Juli ini. Setelh mereka selesai menyelesaikan Tur di China pada 2 Juli, mereka akan kembali ke Korea dan akan mempersiapkan konser pertama Asia Tour di Seoul pada tanggal 1 dan 2 Agustus mendatang.


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Wawancara Lee Min Ho dan Goo Hye Sun untuk majalah Vogue Taiwan

The caption on the side reads: when both of leads who are as beautiful as flowers entered the room, it feels as if the room is lighted up with their warmth in answering the interview questions, it's hard not to be charmed by them.

Q: GHS, your skin is really and beautiful, can you share with us your beauty secrets? How do you maintain your fair skin?

HS: eating well, sleeping well.

MH: besides those [referring to the above], she does not use other ways to maintain her beauty. (laughs)

HS: Eh~ and I try not to stay in the sun. So I prefer to go out in the night. But it also could be that I am sitting beside LMH, so I look fairer. (laughs)

Q: It seems like your relationship with each other is pretty good, can you tell us about what you think of each other?

MH: After 6 months of working together, where we face each other from day to night, we are now very good friends who are familiar with each other. And it actually feels like we have known each other for more than 6 months, in fact it feels more like we've been friends since children.

HS: LMH is a very easy-going and warm person. Even though we now know each other very well, in actual fact, I feel LMH is now no different from the time I first knew him. [she is actually praising MH for being very unpretentious & real.]

Q: In the drama, there are many scenes where GHS has to wear a swimsuit. Can you tell us more about that? Did you find that since the swimsuit's cutting is more conservative, it actually hides your figure?

HS: Whenever there is filming for swimsuit scene, I'd try not to eat so much the day before so as to appear slimmer. But I would go on a eating rampage again after filming. (smiles) [interview note: LMH who had been staring out of the window started to smile when he heard this]. The selection of the conservative swimsuit was for Jandi's image of a student who is also an atheletic swimmer so the more conservative, the suitable it is for the role! In fact, the more it hides, the better it is.

Q: Other than acting and modelling, LMH you have gone into singing and GHS, you have not only published your novel but you have ventured into directing your first film. Other than these achievements, are there any other talents you are proud of but have not been discovered for it yet?

MH: I have not thought of any specific area where I dictate myself to develop. I hope to try many things. But I would like to focus more on improving my acting.

GHS: In June, I'll be having an art exhibition and in July, I'll be releasing some piano compositions but I have not decided if I have the time to perform them myself.

Q: After these 2 days in Taiwan, have you tasted anything that left a deep impression or any food that is extremely good?

[Interview note: At this qns, GHS displays a Jandi-like reaction, with a dreamy, sweet smile. Wonder what exactly that is so tasty that she's thinking of?]

HS: Peking duck, hehehe

MH: Eh~ I also find that Peking duck has left a deep impression and shark's fin, I find it very tasty too.

Q: For the both of you, how does BOF's sudden popularity affect your personal or professional lives?

MH: Because I'm a newbie, I find that it is difficult to get used to be closely scrutinized by everyone. After 2 to 3 weeks, then i slowly got used to it. Because the drama was filmed and then aired at the same time, outdoor filming was disrupted. (this part he repeated the story of avoiding the fans by stopping & filming later)

HS: Maybe it's because I have acted before, I have been easily recognized. But now after BOF, more people now recognize me. I am very appreciative of the support, care & concern that we received, which made us so popular. For that, we are deeply grateful to our supporters. In the past, I am not very conscious of being recognized in the streets, so I like to travel by the metro in simple disguise! Now I have to wear a big face mask. But I have to remove it while eating so I get recognized by the eatery owner who would give extra servings - this I am very happy about, haha.

Q: Talking about going out in disguise, how does LMH disguise your height since you are so tall that you would stand out in the crowd?

MH: I don't go out in disguise since no matter how I do it, I still get recognized.

Q: There are many scenic scenes in the drama. Can the both of you recommend any sightseeing and eating spots that the audience should know about?

MH: Namsam Tower and Jeju are 2 of the places in the drama that are worth visitng. For food, visitors should of course try Korea's kimchi and kimchi chigae!

HS: (I'm sorry, I don't know the 2 places she's referring to for visit, only that there's a palace and korea's 2nd largest somewhere which is a port. For food, she was about to answer when the interview note said that MH suddenly mischiveously interjected with a "Porridge!", referring to HS's role as a Jandi who works part-time in a porridge eatery. At this, those pressent at the interview laughed. HS who had been serious in giving the answer was also lulled into laughter.)

HS: As for food, I want to recommend XXX ==> again sorry I don't know what this is (interview note: a kind of fermented yellow bean paste with a strong smell, which is similar to Taiwan's smelly toufu)

Q: When it comes to food, we heard of GHS's large appetite. Is this true?

HS: WHen I'm under pressure, then I'll eat more! While filming, it is usually pressurizing so I'll look for food. Everyone on the set can be heard saying: Eating again? Eating again? The longest record i have for eating is 8 hours continuous eating.

MH: initially when I did not know HS so well, I thought that a girl who can eat with so much gusto is really not bad ( i cant find a better word to describe..i think he meant likeable as she is so unself-conscious.) But when I knew her better, I realised that she is really eating too much so I can't help but to tell her: stop eating already! stop eating!

Q: in the drama, Jandi threw up on Junpyo after drinking. How are your drinking capacity in real life?

MH: I can't drink alot as I can't hold my alcohol too well. But for GHS, she drinks more than she eats haha

[at this, GHS burst out laughing as well and hurries to explain]

HS: The thing I actually enjoy most is the friendly atmosphere/ambience when drinking. You can break the ice or close the gap with people you don't know well or improve relationship with friends who are not so close. And after drinking, one can become unhibbited and liberated. Alcohol is my friend (said in chinese). Hahaha. it seems that the ambience is improved with some alcohol. I think my alcohol limit is really not too bad as I have played drinking games while karaoke with friends for 8 hours. I have never got drunk in exaggerated manner like in drama. But i have witnessed many around me who have become drunk. (laughs)

Q: Due to the immense popularity of Boys Over Flowers, I heard that Lee Minho has become the popular new face for plastic surgery (meaning people want to look like him after surgery). Which part of your features do you like or dislike the most?

LMH:I'm most satisfied with my eyes and the part where i'm most dissatisfied would be my chin.

(Everyone was surprised since they think LMH has a perfect chin!)

LMH:I'm referring to the sides of my chin. I think they jut out too much, if they can move in a little bit that would be good. (laugh)

Q: Goo hye sun gave us the impression of being quiet and poised/elegant during these 3 days in taiwan, which is very different from Geum jandi's animated outgoing personality. Did you face any difficulty portraying Jandi's character especially since the role you're in is someone younger than your age?

LMH: I think it will prove harder for her to portray a quiet character. (laugh)

GHS: Everytime I'm acting I try my best to be absorbed in the role. Therefore my personality tends to change according to the role I'm portraying. For example when I was playing the role of queen in "The king and I", I needed to exude a proper quiet image. During that time, people had the impression that I was quiet. People think I'm more bubbly and optimistic becoz I've been influenced by Geum jandi's character.

As for Jandi' being of younger age, I was pretty worried initially. I purposely cut my hair short. I'd be acting along F4 who are younger than me, so I was very concerned that I would appear older than them. I also ate more hoping that i'd gain some on my cheeks and look younger. Unfortunately, it went to waste and what I ate grew in places where they shouldn't have gone to, while my cheeks never did plump up. (laugh) Lee Minho even said he'd buy me eye cream. However we've already finished filming and I still haven't received it.... (hahaha...)

LMH: That's becoz after further thought, I realize that if i'd bought you eye cream, I would be implying that you have too many wrinkles, that would be embarassing.

GHS: That's ok. That's ok. (she said this in Chinese)

(Goo hyesun's cute reaction, that is her assertion that it's ok in chinese caused a roar of laughter on site. LMH gave an embarrassed smile).

Q: In real life, would you find the older female younger male relationship acceptable? Can you tell us the perfect lover you have in mind?

LMH: I think if I like a girl, I wouldn't mind her age. Moreover, the older female younger male relationship seems to be very popular in korea recently. As for my ideal lover, I hope we'd pair up well (having tacit agreement), someone I can chat well with. Someone whom i'm really compatible with!

GHS: (laugh) I hope to be able to call the person I like "oppa". So i hope that person can be slightly older than me. I hope he will be polite and gentlemanly, loyal to his friends and full of manliness!

credit: webby@soompi
credit: shaz @ soompi

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SS501 di kepung di China

The boys of SS501 were mobbed by overzealous fans on their recent visit to Hong Kong as they tried to exit out of the airport. Deafening high pitched screams of fan girls filled the hallway as security guards attempted to push back the crowd without bleeding from their ears. The boys of SS501 stood back, waited and watched, seemingly a little overwhelmed by the situation. It was so chaotic that if it wasn't for the SS501 fan signs, I would've thought that I was watching a fight instead.


Alas, they broke free from the boy-hungry mob, and immediately hauled ass out of there. Boy did they haul haul ass. The boys ran as if Godzilla himself was chasing them.

Overall, it doesn't seem like anyone was hurt, and SS501 seemed happy throughout. In fact, they might have even liked it. I guess they're more popular in Hong Kong than they thought.

credits: allkpop,hkucc,chocotopping312
Indonesian translate :

Kelompok Boyband SS501 dikepung oleh para fans fanatic mereka ketika mereka baru saja tiba di Hongkong dan akan keluar dari bandara udara Hongkong. Jeritan para gadis-gadis yang merupakan fans dari SS501 begitu membahana dan keras , dan hal ini menyebabkan petugas keamanan harus bertindak cepat dengan cara menahan fans-fans fanatic tersebut sebelum mereka membuat darah keluar dari telinga orang-orang. Dengan terpaksa SS501 mundur kembali, menunggu dan melihat , kelihatannya mereka kewalahan dengan situasi tersebut.

Pada akhirnya mereka dapat keluar dari kepungan fans-fans mereka yang fanatic, mereka alari terbirit-birit, mereka berlari seolah-olah mereka sedang dikerjar oleh Godzilla.

Secara keseluruhan , kelihatannya tidak ada orang yang terluka, dan SS501 kelihatan bahagia, dan sesungguhnya kelihatannya mereka suka keadaan seperti ini dan menikmatinya, kurasa mereka lebih terkenal di Hongkong di bandingkan dengan apa yang mereka pikirkan selama ini. credits: allkpop,hkucc,chocotopping312

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800 Juta Harta Jacko disumbangkan ke panti asuhan

Harta warisan king of Pop Michael Jackson mencapai Rp4 triliun setelah seluruh hutangnya dilunasi. Sebanyak Rp800 miliar di antaranya akan disumbangkan ke panti asuhan. Sebagaimana dilansir TMZ, warisan sebanyak Rp4 triliun tersebut akan dibagi menjadi tiga bagian kepada beberapa orang yang dia percayai. Pertama, sebesar 40 persen dari Rp4 triliun jadinya Rp1,6 triliun akan diberikan kepada ibunya Michael Jackson, Katherine Jackson. Kedua, 40 persen atau Rp1,6 triliun lainnya akan diberikan kepada ketiga anaknya. Sedangkan 20 persen sisanya atau setara dengan Rp800 miliar, akan disumbangkan kepada panti asuhan.
Namun, Jacko tidak menuliskan panti asuhan yang disumbangkan secara spesifik.

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Peti mati Jacko Rp225 Juta

Michael Jackson tak habis menuai perhatian publik. Sebagai seorang mega bintang, Jacko tak ingin dikubur dengan peti mati biasa. Peti matinya berlapis emas 14 karat seharga Rp255 juta.

Seperti dilansir TMZ, Jumat (3/7/2009), peti mati berwarna keemasan itu dipesan khusus untuk Jacko, malam tadi waktu setempat. Peti mewah yang diberi julukan Promethean itu dibuat oleh Batesville Casket Company.

Bagian dalam peti dilapisi beludru warna biru. Kesan mewah tampak semakin kuat. Uniknya, peti mati jenis itu dulu juga pernah dipakai untuk mengubur James Brown, artis musik legendaris Amerika yang wafat pada 25 Desember 2006.

Pemakaman Jacko akan dihelat pada 7 Juli 2009. Diduga Jacko akan dimakamkan di area pemakaman Hollywood Hills. Sebelum dimakamkan, digelar seremoni di Staples Centre, Los Angeles.

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Super Junior

Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼주니어 ), juga dikenal sebagai SJ ataupun suju (Korean: 슈주 , adalah boyband korea yang beranggotan 13 orang personil yang dibentuk manajemen SM entertainment pada tahun 2005, yang dimanajeri oleh produser Lee Soo man ) Grup ini sebetulnya memulai debutnya hanya beranggotakan 12 orang saja pada 6 November 2005 dengan single TWINS (Knock Out)". Kedua belas personel tersebut dari yang tertua ke yang muda , antara lain , Leeteuk ( Pemimpin ), Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-in, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, and Kibum. The Chinese member, Han Geng, yang dipilih melalui audisi yang diikuti lebih dari 3000 pendaftar yang dilakukan di China oleh SM entertainment pada tahun 2001

Banyak diantara mereka yang sebelumnya telah terjun ke dunia enteraiment sebelum mereka tergabung ke dalam Super Junior ini, seperti Dj, dan model. Dan pada 23 Mei 2006 , SM mengumumkan penambahan anggota baru, Kyuhyun, yang membuat mereka semua menjadi 13 personil hingga sekarang ini

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Lee : Kepopuleran itu datang dan harus dibayar

Aktris Lee min Jung meledak menjadi sangat terkenal setelah penampilannya dalam mega drama Boys Over Flowers .  Calon bintang besar dimasa datang tersebut minggu kemarin berkunjung ke Singapora dalam rangka menghadiri event  launching salah satu produk dari Sony Ericcson
Sang  aktris mengakui bahwa saat ini telah cukup banyak perusahaan yang mendekatinya untuk dijadikan sebagai bintang iklan dari produk mereka dimana nantinya hal ini akan semakin menaikkan popularitasnya dan akan semakin banyak orang yang akan mengenalnya di jalanan.  
Akan tetapi bagaimana pun juga, kepopuleran itu datang dengan sebuah harga tertentu yang harus kita bayar atau tanggun akibatnya.

"sekarang saya berkewajiban untuk menggambarkan sisi terbaik dari diri saya , ini sungguh memberikan saya tekanan . Ini tidak lagi mudah , bagi saya untuk keluar rumah sekarang sejak banyak orang yang mengenali saya. Saya harus meyakinkan diri saya bahwa saya terlihat baik sebelum saya dapat keluar dan berfoya-foya” Kata Lee.   Untuk beberapa tahun terakhir, berita-bertia tentang artis-artis korea melakukan tindakan bunuh diri , termasuk rekan sesame aktris Lee dalam drama Boys Over Flowers Ja Ja Kyun. Baof dilaporkan baru-baru ini , akto Kim Hyun Joong yang bermain sebagai Yoon Ji Hoo dalam drama BOF dilarikan ke RS karena kelelahan. Hal ini semakin membangkitkan spekulasi masyarakat tentang tekanan yang tak terukur yang menyelimuti artis Korea.
Ketika sedang diliputi rasa stress Lee memilih untuk relax dengan cara mendengarkan musih ,  bercanda dengan teman, atau membaca. Senior saua telah menasihati sahya untuk belajar menikmati tekanan dan perhatian yang diberikan kepada kita. Kita ditakdirkan untuk selalu berada dibawah pengamatan semua orang, karena kita adalah selebritis “ katanya menambahkan

Berdasarkan data online, lee pertama kali berakting untk film pertamanya pda tahun 2003 , dan dia menjai begitu terkenal setelah baru-baru ini berpran dalam drama Boys Over Flowers sebagai tunangan dari ketua geng F4 “ Goo Jun Pyo “ . dia berperan sebagai Ha Jae Kyeoing yang sangat senang dengan kebebasan

Pada polling online yang di adakan oleh salah satu website china, Lee Min Jung dan Lee Min berhasil meraih hati para pemirsa untuk acting mereka pada drama boys over flowers , mereka meraih predikat pasangan paling popular untuk drama korea , dibandingkan dengan pasangan Goo Hye Sun dan Lee Min Ho. “ Geum jan di lah yang seharusnya menerima predikat itu , karena yang pertama kali bertemu dan pertama kali merasakan yang namanya cinta pada drama tersebut adalah geum jan di , dialah yang menjadipembuka drama tersebut jadi dia jugala yang harus menutupnya dan sya berharap mereka dapat bahagia hingga akhir cerita “ kata lee
Meskipun berperan sebagai rival dari Geum jan di untuk memperebutknan Goo Jun Pyo, Lee dan Goo Hye sun adalah best friend di kehidupan nyata. Lee bahkan mengupload foto mereka berdua ke blognya, yang kemudian mengundang pertanyaan dari kalangan nitizens di
"Kita bedua mempunyai selera yang sama soal musik, sama dalam hal makanan, contohnya nasi campur dan dumplings. Akan tetapi, setelah syuting dari drama Boys Over Flowers, kami kurang saling berhubungan karena kami sama-sama sibuk. Saya sangat berharap kami dapat mempunyai waktu luang dan dapat bertemu “ Lee menambahkan 

Dikenal sebagai sosok yang innocent dan sexy pada waktu yng bersamaan , Lee berharap dia dapat memperoleh peranan lain dari pada memperoleh peran yang membosankan dengan “ goody-two-shoes “, dia berharap dapat memainkan peranan dalam drama atau film komedi ataupun horror dan meharapakan dapat mendapatkan suatu tantangan atau karakteristik tokoh yang kuat , ataun juga karakter yang akan menggambarkan sisi gelapnya.

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Lee Min Ho dan Goo Hye Sun Reunian

Lee Min Ho menghadiri pameran Koo Hye Sun yang di laksanakan di Lamer Gallery yang berlokasi di Insadong, Jongno-gu, Seoul pada 1 juli pukul 5:30 p.m.
Lee Min Ho, yang terlihat sedang mengamati lukisan dari Koo Hye Sun bersama dengan anggota F4 Kim Joon yang telah tiba terlebih dahulu , melontarkan rasa kagumnya “ saya sangat kagum dengan penampilan / bakat lain dari Koo Hye Sun “ katanya dengan senyumnya yang khas
Sementara itu Koo Hye Sun , yang menampilkan kemampuan melukisnya melalui novelnya sendiri ‘ Tanggo ‘ dan menjadi illustrator untuk album ke 4 penyanyi Spider, dan pagelaran kali ini dilaksanankan dengan potongan asli dari novel ‘ Tanggo ‘ dan beberapa lukisan dilukis sewaktu istirahat

Koo Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho, yang mendatangi pameran Koo Hye Sun kali ini , terlihat berbincang bincang dengan penuh senyum ceria diwajah mereka
Meski pun drama Boys Over Flowers , rasa persahabatan diantara pemain masih tak berubah alias masih tetap awet
Lee Min Ho dan Kim Jun yang merupakan anggota dari F4 sengaja datang dan mengunjungi Lamer Gallery di Insadong, Seoul pada 1 July dan mengucapkan selamat kepada Ku Hye Sun yang telah membuat pagelaran seni tersebut

Lee Min Ho and Kim Joon terlihat menikmati suasana pagelaran seni Koo Hye Sun yang dilaksanakan di Gallery Lamer “ Lukisannya terlihat sulit untuk dimengerti ^^ “ kata mereka berdua yang dikuti dengan gelak tawa dan memberikan sedikit kesan

Ketiganya terlihat berbincang dengan penuh rasa bahagia dan senyum yang khas menghiasa wajah mereka , ini adalah kali pertama bagi mereka untuk dapat berbicara dalam waktu yang panjang sejak promosi drama BOF di jepang pada april lalu

Selain Lee Min Ho & Kim Joon , Im Ye Jin yang berperan sebagai ibu dari Koo Hye Sun dalam drama Boys Over Flowers juga datang dan terlihat sangat tertarik dan sangat memperhatikan lukisan-lukisan dari Koo Hye Sun.

Sesuatu yang sangat disayangkan bahwa Kim Hyun Joong dan Kim Bum tidak dapat hadir karena adanya jadwal promosi di China dan jadwal syuting yang padat

Sekitar 50 karya seni akan dipamerkan mulai tanggal 1 Juli hingga 7 juli nanti dengan tema / judul “ Tanggo “, Tanggo adalah nama yang sama dengan novel yang dikeluarkan Koo Hye Sun pada April lalu.

Koo Hye Sun akan membuat rencana untuk menyumbangkan penjualan produk-produk dari MD entertainment untuk masyarakat yang mengkampanyekan “ WITH “ oleh YG entertaiment will get a plan to donate the earnings through selling MD products for the public campaign 'WITH' by YG Entertainment.

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